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I was recently asked some questions about my art in an interview. The answers cut right to the heart of what I am trying to do.
Have you always painted? Yes, but never this consistently. Until I retired from teaching, I never had the time. Even with time, I am understanding that the inspiration to paint comes in waves or creative seasons. I'm learning to give into and follow those impulses.
What inspires you? Broadly speaking, nature. I have always sought solace in nature and collect mental images of color and light and scenes in my head. What comes out on canvas is always a surprise. As much as I love nature, I rarely paint en plein air. Painting is like prayer or meditation for me. I have to paint in an isolated place.
Favorite artists? Rothko. For me, he gets the essence of nature. Gauguin. Color, color, color. Turner. Light. Kiki Slaughter. She just gets it all!
Any other thoughts? I'm trying to understand that it's all about God, not me!